Baltimore Harbor’s Garbage-Gobbling Tool Gains Speed

Mr. Trash Wheel and Baltimore’s two other wheels have collected roughly 1,430 tons of garbage since 2014. PHOTO: NICHOLAS KAMM/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES

Ms. Cherif, project lead of San Francisco Bay Trash Wheel, draws inspiration from across the country, in Baltimore Harbor’s murky waters. There, Mr. Trash Wheel and two other googly-eyed garbage munchers in recent years have scarfed up tons of plastic bottles and other flotsam that had been headed for the harbor from tributaries such as the Jones Falls.

Trash wheels—floating, stationary gizmos that use water current and solar energy to power a conveyor belt—are on a roll in the U.S., at a time of growing public awareness about the environmental toll of trash on rivers, harbors, bays and oceans. Anthropomorphizing is optional.

Excerpt & Images from Wall Street Journal 2019 (Source Link Here)


Baltimore's Mr. Trash Wheel earns Guinness record for cleaning river


The Promise of Mr. Trash Wheel